--- title: "My Start to R" subtitle: | A short introduction to my blog, and R journey. date: 01-24-2020 --- Today starts my attempt at sharing my R journey with the world! I have been learning R off and on now since late 2019, I have begun to take it much more serious as I work through my Data Analytics class at UCF. My love for all things numbers and graphs has really blossomed, and I am choosing to share that love with anyone who cares to read. I will not claim to be the best at R, or any programming for that matter, but these are my attempts. Each post in this serious will be replicated a graph created in Tableau from the book Tableau for Healthcare. Todays graph is a simple horizontal bar chart, in transferring to both a new blog site and computer I have unfortunately lost the original bar graph, but trust me the one I created looks just like it. # Load Libraries ```{r} library(tidyr) library(magrittr) library(ggplot2) library(stringr) library(dplyr) ``` # Import Data ```{r} ds <- readxl::read_excel( path = "Tableau 10 Training Practice Data.xlsx" ,sheet = "02 - Patient Falls-Single Hosp" ) ``` # Clean Data Names ```{r} #should make reusable forumla at later time names(ds) <- tolower(names(ds)) names(ds) <- str_replace_all(names(ds)," ", "_") ``` # Convert Data to 'Long Form' ```{r} ds1 <- ds %>% gather("patient_falls_no_injury_rate" , "patient_falls_with_injury_rate" ,key = "injury" ,value = "rate" ) %>% mutate(injury = (injury == "patient_falls_with_injury_rate")) ``` # Graph 5.1 ```{r} b1 <- ds %>% ggplot(mapping = aes(x = reorder(type_of_care,total_patient_falls_rate ) , y = total_patient_falls_rate)) + geom_col(fill = "#2b83ba") + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) + labs(title = "Rate of Patient Falls (per 1,000 Pateint Days)\nby Type of Care for FY2017" ,x = NULL ,y = NULL ) + theme_classic() + geom_text(aes(label = format(total_patient_falls_rate, digits = 2)), nudge_y = -.25, color = "white") b1 ```