HTMLWidgets.widget({ name: "plotly", type: "output", initialize: function(el, width, height) { return {}; }, resize: function(el, width, height, instance) { if (instance.autosize) { var width = instance.width || width; var height = instance.height || height; Plotly.relayout(, {width: width, height: height}); } }, renderValue: function(el, x, instance) { // Plotly.relayout() mutates the plot input object, so make sure to // keep a reference to the user-supplied width/height *before* // we call Plotly.plot(); var lay = x.layout || {}; instance.width = lay.width; instance.height = lay.height; instance.autosize = lay.autosize || true; /* / 'inform the world' about highlighting options this is so other / crosstalk libraries have a chance to respond to special settings / such as persistent selection. / AFAIK, leaflet is the only library with such intergration / */ var ctConfig = crosstalk.var('plotlyCrosstalkOpts').set(x.highlight); if (typeof(window) !== "undefined") { // make sure plots don't get created outside the network (for on-prem) window.PLOTLYENV = window.PLOTLYENV || {}; window.PLOTLYENV.BASE_URL = x.base_url; // Enable persistent selection when shift key is down // var persistOnShift = function(e) { if (!e) window.event; if (e.shiftKey) { x.highlight.persistent = true; x.highlight.persistentShift = true; } else { x.highlight.persistent = false; x.highlight.persistentShift = false; } }; // Only relevant if we haven't forced persistent mode at command line if (!x.highlight.persistent) { window.onmousemove = persistOnShift; } } var graphDiv = document.getElementById(; // TODO: move the control panel injection strategy inside here... HTMLWidgets.addPostRenderHandler(function() { // lower the z-index of the modebar to prevent it from highjacking hover // (TODO: do this via CSS?) // // var modebars = document.querySelectorAll(".js-plotly-plot .plotly .modebar"); for (var i = 0; i < modebars.length; i++) { modebars[i].style.zIndex = 1; } }); // inject a "control panel" holding selectize/dynamic color widget(s) if ((x.selectize || x.highlight.dynamic) && !instance.plotly) { var flex = document.createElement("div"); flex.class = "plotly-crosstalk-control-panel"; = "display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap"; // inject the colourpicker HTML container into the flexbox if (x.highlight.dynamic) { var pickerDiv = document.createElement("div"); var pickerInput = document.createElement("input"); = + "-colourpicker"; pickerInput.placeholder = "asdasd"; var pickerLabel = document.createElement("label"); pickerLabel.for =; pickerLabel.innerHTML = "Brush color "; pickerDiv.appendChild(pickerLabel); pickerDiv.appendChild(pickerInput); flex.appendChild(pickerDiv); } // inject selectize HTML containers (one for every crosstalk group) if (x.selectize) { var ids = Object.keys(x.selectize); for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var container = document.createElement("div"); = ids[i]; = "width: 80%; height: 10%"; container.class = "form-group crosstalk-input-plotly-highlight"; var label = document.createElement("label"); label.for = ids[i]; label.innerHTML = x.selectize[ids[i]].group; label.class = "control-label"; var selectDiv = document.createElement("div"); var select = document.createElement("select"); select.multiple = true; selectDiv.appendChild(select); container.appendChild(label); container.appendChild(selectDiv); flex.appendChild(container); } } // finally, insert the flexbox inside the htmlwidget container, // but before the plotly graph div graphDiv.parentElement.insertBefore(flex, graphDiv); if (x.highlight.dynamic) { var picker = $("#" +; var colors = x.highlight.color || []; // TODO: let users specify options? var opts = { value: colors[0], showColour: "both", palette: "limited", allowedCols: colors.join(" "), width: "20%", height: "10%" }; picker.colourpicker({changeDelay: 0}); picker.colourpicker("settings", opts); picker.colourpicker("value", opts.value); // inform crosstalk about a change in the current selection colour var grps = x.highlight.ctGroups || []; for (var i = 0; i < grps.length; i++) {[i]).var('plotlySelectionColour') .set(picker.colourpicker('value')); } picker.on("change", function() { for (var i = 0; i < grps.length; i++) {[i]).var('plotlySelectionColour') .set(picker.colourpicker('value')); } }); } } // if no plot exists yet, create one with a particular configuration if (!instance.plotly) { var plot = Plotly.newPlot(graphDiv, x); instance.plotly = true; } else if (x.layout.transition) { var plot = Plotly.react(graphDiv, x); } else { // this is essentially equivalent to Plotly.newPlot(), but avoids creating // a new webgl context // // TODO: restore crosstalk selections? Plotly.purge(graphDiv); // TODO: why is this necessary to get crosstalk working? = undefined; graphDiv.layout = undefined; var plot = Plotly.newPlot(graphDiv, x); } // Trigger plotly.js calls defined via `plotlyProxy()` plot.then(function() { if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode) { Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("plotly-calls", function(msg) { var gd = document.getElementById(; if (!gd) { throw new Error("Couldn't find plotly graph with id: " +; } // This isn't an official plotly.js method, but it's the only current way to // change just the configuration of a plot // if (msg.method == "reconfig") { Plotly.react(gd,, gd.layout, msg.args); return; } if (!Plotly[msg.method]) { throw new Error("Unknown method " + msg.method); } var args = [gd].concat(msg.args); Plotly[msg.method].apply(null, args); }); } // plotly's mapbox API doesn't currently support setting bounding boxes // // so we do this manually... // TODO: make sure this triggers on a redraw and relayout as well as on initial draw var mapboxIDs = graphDiv._fullLayout._subplots.mapbox || []; for (var i = 0; i < mapboxIDs.length; i++) { var id = mapboxIDs[i]; var mapOpts = x.layout[id] || {}; var args = mapOpts._fitBounds || {}; if (!args) { continue; } var mapObj = graphDiv._fullLayout[id]; mapObj.fitBounds(args.bounds, args.options); } }); // Attach attributes (e.g., "key", "z") to plotly event data function eventDataWithKey(eventData) { if (eventData === undefined || !eventData.hasOwnProperty("points")) { return null; } return { var obj = { curveNumber: pt.curveNumber, pointNumber: pt.pointNumber, x: pt.x, y: pt.y }; // If 'z' is reported with the event data, then use it! if (pt.hasOwnProperty("z")) { obj.z = pt.z; } if (pt.hasOwnProperty("customdata")) { obj.customdata = pt.customdata; } /* TL;DR: (I think) we have to select the graph div (again) to attach keys... Why? Remember that crosstalk will dynamically add/delete traces (see traceManager.prototype.updateSelection() below) For this reason, we can't simply grab keys from (like we did previously) Moreover, we can't use _fullData, since that doesn't include unofficial attributes. It's true that click/hover events fire with, but drag events don't... */ var gd = document.getElementById(; var trace =[pt.curveNumber]; if (!trace._isSimpleKey) { var attrsToAttach = ["key"]; } else { // simple keys fire the whole key obj.key = trace.key; var attrsToAttach = []; } for (var i = 0; i < attrsToAttach.length; i++) { var attr = trace[attrsToAttach[i]]; if (Array.isArray(attr)) { if (typeof pt.pointNumber === "number") { obj[attrsToAttach[i]] = attr[pt.pointNumber]; } else if (Array.isArray(pt.pointNumber)) { obj[attrsToAttach[i]] = attr[pt.pointNumber[0]][pt.pointNumber[1]]; } else if (Array.isArray(pt.pointNumbers)) { obj[attrsToAttach[i]] = { return attr[idx]; }); } } } return obj; }); } var legendEventData = function(d) { // if legendgroup is not relevant just return the trace var trace =[d.curveNumber]; if (!trace.legendgroup) return trace; // if legendgroup was specified, return all traces that match the group var legendgrps ={ return trace.legendgroup; }); var traces = []; for (i = 0; i < legendgrps.length; i++) { if (legendgrps[i] == trace.legendgroup) { traces.push([i]); } } return traces; }; // send user input event data to shiny if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode && Shiny.setInputValue) { // Some events clear other input values // TODO: always register these? var eventClearMap = { plotly_deselect: ["plotly_selected", "plotly_selecting", "plotly_brushed", "plotly_brushing", "plotly_click"], plotly_unhover: ["plotly_hover"], plotly_doubleclick: ["plotly_click"] }; Object.keys(eventClearMap).map(function(evt) { graphDiv.on(evt, function() { var inputsToClear = eventClearMap[evt]; { Shiny.setInputValue(input + "-" + x.source, null, {priority: "event"}); }); }); }); var eventDataFunctionMap = { plotly_click: eventDataWithKey, plotly_sunburstclick: eventDataWithKey, plotly_hover: eventDataWithKey, plotly_unhover: eventDataWithKey, // If 'plotly_selected' has already been fired, and you click // on the plot afterwards, this event fires `undefined`?!? // That might be considered a plotly.js bug, but it doesn't make // sense for this input change to occur if `d` is falsy because, // even in the empty selection case, `d` is truthy (an object), // and the 'plotly_deselect' event will reset this input plotly_selected: function(d) { if (d) { return eventDataWithKey(d); } }, plotly_selecting: function(d) { if (d) { return eventDataWithKey(d); } }, plotly_brushed: function(d) { if (d) { return d.range ? d.range : d.lassoPoints; } }, plotly_brushing: function(d) { if (d) { return d.range ? d.range : d.lassoPoints; } }, plotly_legendclick: legendEventData, plotly_legenddoubleclick: legendEventData, plotly_clickannotation: function(d) { return d.fullAnnotation } }; var registerShinyValue = function(event) { var eventDataPreProcessor = eventDataFunctionMap[event] || function(d) { return d ? d : }; // some events are unique to the R package var plotlyJSevent = (event == "plotly_brushed") ? "plotly_selected" : (event == "plotly_brushing") ? "plotly_selecting" : event; // register the event graphDiv.on(plotlyJSevent, function(d) { Shiny.setInputValue( event + "-" + x.source, JSON.stringify(eventDataPreProcessor(d)), {priority: "event"} ); }); } var shinyEvents = x.shinyEvents || [];; } // Given an array of {curveNumber: x, pointNumber: y} objects, // return a hash of { // set1: {value: [key1, key2, ...], _isSimpleKey: false}, // set2: {value: [key3, key4, ...], _isSimpleKey: false} // } function pointsToKeys(points) { var keysBySet = {}; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { var trace =[points[i].curveNumber]; if (!trace.key || !trace.set) { continue; } // set defaults for this keySet // note that we don't track the nested property (yet) since we always // emit the union -- keysBySet[trace.set] = keysBySet[trace.set] || { value: [], _isSimpleKey: trace._isSimpleKey }; // Use pointNumber by default, but aggregated traces should emit pointNumbers var ptNum = points[i].pointNumber; var hasPtNum = typeof ptNum === "number"; var ptNum = hasPtNum ? ptNum : points[i].pointNumbers; // selecting a point of a "simple" trace means: select the // entire key attached to this trace, which is useful for, // say clicking on a fitted line to select corresponding observations var key = trace._isSimpleKey ? trace.key : Array.isArray(ptNum) ? { return trace.key[idx]; }) : trace.key[ptNum]; // var keyFlat = trace._isNestedKey ? [].concat.apply([], key) : key; // TODO: better to only add new values? keysBySet[trace.set].value = keysBySet[trace.set].value.concat(keyFlat); } return keysBySet; } x.highlight.color = x.highlight.color || []; // make sure highlight color is an array if (!Array.isArray(x.highlight.color)) { x.highlight.color = [x.highlight.color]; } var traceManager = new TraceManager(graphDiv, x.highlight); // Gather all *unique* sets. var allSets = []; for (var curveIdx = 0; curveIdx <; curveIdx++) { var newSet =[curveIdx].set; if (newSet) { if (allSets.indexOf(newSet) === -1) { allSets.push(newSet); } } } // register event listeners for all sets for (var i = 0; i < allSets.length; i++) { var set = allSets[i]; var selection = new crosstalk.SelectionHandle(set); var filter = new crosstalk.FilterHandle(set); var filterChange = function(e) { removeBrush(el); traceManager.updateFilter(set, e.value); }; filter.on("change", filterChange); var selectionChange = function(e) { // Workaround for 'plotly_selected' now firing previously selected // points (in addition to new ones) when holding shift key. In our case, // we just want the new keys if (x.highlight.on === "plotly_selected" && x.highlight.persistentShift) { // Array.prototype.diff = function(a) { return this.filter(function(i) {return a.indexOf(i) < 0;}); }; e.value = e.value.diff(e.oldValue); } // array of "event objects" tracking the selection history // this is used to avoid adding redundant selections var selectionHistory = crosstalk.var("plotlySelectionHistory").get() || []; // Construct an event object "defining" the current event. var event = { receiverID:, plotlySelectionColour:"plotlySelectionColour").get() }; event[set] = e.value; // TODO: is there a smarter way to check object equality? if (selectionHistory.length > 0) { var ev = JSON.stringify(event); for (var i = 0; i < selectionHistory.length; i++) { var sel = JSON.stringify(selectionHistory[i]); if (sel == ev) { return; } } } // accumulate history for persistent selection if (!x.highlight.persistent) { selectionHistory = [event]; } else { selectionHistory.push(event); } crosstalk.var("plotlySelectionHistory").set(selectionHistory); // do the actual updating of traces, frames, and the selectize widget traceManager.updateSelection(set, e.value); // if (x.selectize) { if (!x.highlight.persistent || e.value === null) { selectize.clear(true); } selectize.addItems(e.value, true); selectize.close(); } } selection.on("change", selectionChange); // Set a crosstalk variable selection value, triggering an update var turnOn = function(e) { if (e) { var selectedKeys = pointsToKeys(e.points); // Keys are group names, values are array of selected keys from group. for (var set in selectedKeys) { if (selectedKeys.hasOwnProperty(set)) { selection.set(selectedKeys[set].value, {sender: el}); } } } }; if (x.highlight.debounce > 0) { turnOn = debounce(turnOn, x.highlight.debounce); } graphDiv.on(x.highlight.on, turnOn); graphDiv.on(, function turnOff(e) { // remove any visual clues removeBrush(el); // remove any selection history crosstalk.var("plotlySelectionHistory").set(null); // trigger the actual removal of selection traces selection.set(null, {sender: el}); }); // register a callback for selectize so that there is bi-directional // communication between the widget and direct manipulation events if (x.selectize) { var selectizeID = Object.keys(x.selectize)[i]; var options = x.selectize[selectizeID]; var first = [{value: "", label: "(All)"}]; var opts = $.extend({ options: first.concat(options.items), searchField: "label", valueField: "value", labelField: "label", maxItems: 50 }, options ); var select = $("#" + selectizeID).find("select")[0]; var selectize = $(select).selectize(opts)[0].selectize; // NOTE: this callback is triggered when *directly* altering // dropdown items selectize.on("change", function() { var currentItems = traceManager.groupSelections[set] || []; if (!x.highlight.persistent) { removeBrush(el); for (var i = 0; i < currentItems.length; i++) { selectize.removeItem(currentItems[i], true); } } var newItems = selectize.items.filter(function(idx) { return currentItems.indexOf(idx) < 0; }); if (newItems.length > 0) { traceManager.updateSelection(set, newItems); } else { // Item has been removed... // TODO: this logic won't work for dynamically changing palette traceManager.updateSelection(set, null); traceManager.updateSelection(set, selectize.items); } }); } } // end of selectionChange } // end of renderValue }); // end of widget definition /** * @param graphDiv The Plotly graph div * @param highlight An object with options for updating selection(s) */ function TraceManager(graphDiv, highlight) { // The Plotly graph div = graphDiv; // Preserve the original data. // TODO: try using Lib.extendFlat() as done in // this.origData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; // avoid doing this over and over this.origOpacity = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.origData.length; i++) { this.origOpacity[i] = this.origData[i].opacity === 0 ? 0 : (this.origData[i].opacity || 1); } // key: group name, value: null or array of keys representing the // most recently received selection for that group. this.groupSelections = {}; // selection parameters (e.g., transient versus persistent selection) this.highlight = highlight; } TraceManager.prototype.close = function() { // TODO: Unhook all event handlers }; TraceManager.prototype.updateFilter = function(group, keys) { if (typeof(keys) === "undefined" || keys === null) { = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.origData)); } else { var traces = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.origData.length; i++) { var trace = this.origData[i]; if (!trace.key || trace.set !== group) { continue; } var matchFunc = getMatchFunc(trace); var matches = matchFunc(trace.key, keys); if (matches.length > 0) { if (!trace._isSimpleKey) { // subsetArrayAttrs doesn't mutate trace (it makes a modified clone) trace = subsetArrayAttrs(trace, matches); } traces.push(trace); } } = traces; } Plotly.redraw(; // NOTE: we purposely do _not_ restore selection(s), since on filter, // axis likely will update, changing the pixel -> data mapping, leading // to a likely mismatch in the brush outline and highlighted marks }; TraceManager.prototype.updateSelection = function(group, keys) { if (keys !== null && !Array.isArray(keys)) { throw new Error("Invalid keys argument; null or array expected"); } // if selection has been cleared, or if this is transient // selection, delete the "selection traces" var nNewTraces = - this.origData.length; if (keys === null || !this.highlight.persistent && nNewTraces > 0) { var tracesToRemove = []; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i]._isCrosstalkTrace) tracesToRemove.push(i); } Plotly.deleteTraces(, tracesToRemove); this.groupSelections[group] = keys; } else { // add to the groupSelection, rather than overwriting it // TODO: can this be removed? this.groupSelections[group] = this.groupSelections[group] || []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var k = keys[i]; if (this.groupSelections[group].indexOf(k) < 0) { this.groupSelections[group].push(k); } } } if (keys === null) { Plotly.restyle(, {"opacity": this.origOpacity}); } else if (keys.length >= 1) { // placeholder for new "selection traces" var traces = []; // this variable is set in R/highlight.R var selectionColour ="plotlySelectionColour").get() || this.highlight.color[0]; for (var i = 0; i < this.origData.length; i++) { // TODO: try using Lib.extendFlat() as done in // var trace = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([i])); if (!trace.key || trace.set !== group) { continue; } // Get sorted array of matching indices in trace.key var matchFunc = getMatchFunc(trace); var matches = matchFunc(trace.key, keys); if (matches.length > 0) { // If this is a "simple" key, that means select the entire trace if (!trace._isSimpleKey) { trace = subsetArrayAttrs(trace, matches); } // reach into the full trace object so we can properly reflect the // selection attributes in every view var d =[i]; /* / Recursively inherit selection attributes from various sources, / in order of preference: / (1) official plotly.js selected attribute / (2) highlight(selected = attrs_selected(...)) */ // TODO: it would be neat to have a dropdown to dynamically specify these! $.extend(true, trace, this.highlight.selected); // if it is defined, override color with the "dynamic brush color"" if (d.marker) { trace.marker = trace.marker || {}; trace.marker.color = selectionColour || trace.marker.color || d.marker.color; } if (d.line) { trace.line = trace.line || {}; trace.line.color = selectionColour || trace.line.color || d.line.color; } if (d.textfont) { trace.textfont = trace.textfont || {}; trace.textfont.color = selectionColour || trace.textfont.color || d.textfont.color; } if (d.fillcolor) { // TODO: should selectionColour inherit alpha from the existing fillcolor? trace.fillcolor = selectionColour || trace.fillcolor || d.fillcolor; } // attach a sensible name/legendgroup = || keys.join("<br />"); trace.legendgroup = trace.legendgroup || keys.join("<br />"); // keep track of mapping between this new trace and the trace it targets // (necessary for updating frames to reflect the selection traces) trace._originalIndex = i; trace._newIndex = + traces.length; trace._isCrosstalkTrace = true; traces.push(trace); } } if (traces.length > 0) { Plotly.addTraces(, traces).then(function(gd) { // incrementally add selection traces to frames // (this is heavily inspired by Plotly.Plots.modifyFrames() // in src/plots/plots.js) var _hash = gd._transitionData._frameHash; var _frames = gd._transitionData._frames || []; for (var i = 0; i < _frames.length; i++) { // add to _frames[i].traces *if* this frame references selected trace(s) var newIndices = []; for (var j = 0; j < traces.length; j++) { var tr = traces[j]; if (_frames[i].traces.indexOf(tr._originalIndex) > -1) { newIndices.push(tr._newIndex); _frames[i].traces.push(tr._newIndex); } } // nothing to do... if (newIndices.length === 0) { continue; } var ctr = 0; var nFrameTraces = _frames[i].data.length; for (var j = 0; j < nFrameTraces; j++) { var frameTrace = _frames[i].data[j]; if (!frameTrace.key || frameTrace.set !== group) { continue; } var matchFunc = getMatchFunc(frameTrace); var matches = matchFunc(frameTrace.key, keys); if (matches.length > 0) { if (!trace._isSimpleKey) { frameTrace = subsetArrayAttrs(frameTrace, matches); } var d = gd._fullData[newIndices[ctr]]; if (d.marker) { frameTrace.marker = d.marker; } if (d.line) { frameTrace.line = d.line; } if (d.textfont) { frameTrace.textfont = d.textfont; } ctr = ctr + 1; _frames[i].data.push(frameTrace); } } // update gd._transitionData._frameHash _hash[_frames[i].name] = _frames[i]; } }); // dim traces that have a set matching the set of selection sets var tracesToDim = [], opacities = [], sets = Object.keys(this.groupSelections), n = this.origData.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var opacity = this.origOpacity[i] || 1; // have we already dimmed this trace? Or is this even worth doing? if (opacity !==[i].opacity || this.highlight.opacityDim === 1) { continue; } // is this set an element of the set of selection sets? var matches = findMatches(sets, [[i].set]); if (matches.length) { tracesToDim.push(i); opacities.push(opacity * this.highlight.opacityDim); } } if (tracesToDim.length > 0) { Plotly.restyle(, {"opacity": opacities}, tracesToDim); // turn off the selected/unselected API Plotly.restyle(, {"selectedpoints": null}); } } } }; /* Note: in all of these match functions, we assume needleSet (i.e. the selected keys) is a 1D (or flat) array. The real difference is the meaning of haystack. findMatches() does the usual thing you'd expect for linked brushing on a scatterplot matrix. findSimpleMatches() returns a match iff haystack is a subset of the needleSet. findNestedMatches() returns */ function getMatchFunc(trace) { return (trace._isNestedKey) ? findNestedMatches : (trace._isSimpleKey) ? findSimpleMatches : findMatches; } // find matches for "flat" keys function findMatches(haystack, needleSet) { var matches = []; haystack.forEach(function(obj, i) { if (obj === null || needleSet.indexOf(obj) >= 0) { matches.push(i); } }); return matches; } // find matches for "simple" keys function findSimpleMatches(haystack, needleSet) { var match = haystack.every(function(val) { return val === null || needleSet.indexOf(val) >= 0; }); // yes, this doesn't make much sense other than conforming // to the output type of the other match functions return (match) ? [0] : [] } // find matches for a "nested" haystack (2D arrays) function findNestedMatches(haystack, needleSet) { var matches = []; for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) { var hay = haystack[i]; var match = hay.every(function(val) { return val === null || needleSet.indexOf(val) >= 0; }); if (match) { matches.push(i); } } return matches; } function isPlainObject(obj) { return ( === '[object Object]' && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype ); } function subsetArrayAttrs(obj, indices) { var newObj = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(k) { var val = obj[k]; if (k.charAt(0) === "_") { newObj[k] = val; } else if (k === "transforms" && Array.isArray(val)) { newObj[k] = { return subsetArrayAttrs(transform, indices); }); } else if (k === "colorscale" && Array.isArray(val)) { newObj[k] = val; } else if (isPlainObject(val)) { newObj[k] = subsetArrayAttrs(val, indices); } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { newObj[k] = subsetArray(val, indices); } else { newObj[k] = val; } }); return newObj; } function subsetArray(arr, indices) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { result.push(arr[indices[i]]); } return result; } // Convenience function for removing plotly's brush function removeBrush(el) { var outlines = el.querySelectorAll(".select-outline"); for (var i = 0; i < outlines.length; i++) { outlines[i].remove(); } } // // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the // leading edge, instead of the trailing. function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; };