2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
const kQueryArg = "q" ;
const kResultsArg = "show-results" ;
// If items don't provide a URL, then both the navigator and the onSelect
// function aren't called (and therefore, the default implementation is used)
// We're using this sentinel URL to signal to those handlers that this
// item is a more item (along with the type) and can be handled appropriately
const kItemTypeMoreHref = "0767FDFD-0422-4E5A-BC8A-3BE11E5BBA05" ;
window . document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , function ( _event ) {
// Ensure that search is available on this page. If it isn't,
// should return early and not do anything
var searchEl = window . document . getElementById ( "quarto-search" ) ;
if ( ! searchEl ) return ;
const { autocomplete } = window [ "@algolia/autocomplete-js" ] ;
let quartoSearchOptions = { } ;
let language = { } ;
const searchOptionEl = window . document . getElementById (
) ;
if ( searchOptionEl ) {
const jsonStr = searchOptionEl . textContent ;
quartoSearchOptions = JSON . parse ( jsonStr ) ;
language = quartoSearchOptions . language ;
// note the search mode
if ( quartoSearchOptions . type === "overlay" ) {
searchEl . classList . add ( "type-overlay" ) ;
} else {
searchEl . classList . add ( "type-textbox" ) ;
// Used to determine highlighting behavior for this page
// A `q` query param is expected when the user follows a search
// to this page
const currentUrl = new URL ( window . location ) ;
const query = currentUrl . searchParams . get ( kQueryArg ) ;
const showSearchResults = currentUrl . searchParams . get ( kResultsArg ) ;
const mainEl = window . document . querySelector ( "main" ) ;
// highlight matches on the page
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
if ( query && mainEl ) {
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
// perform any highlighting
highlight ( escapeRegExp ( query ) , mainEl ) ;
// fix up the URL to remove the q query param
const replacementUrl = new URL ( window . location ) ;
replacementUrl . searchParams . delete ( kQueryArg ) ;
window . history . replaceState ( { } , "" , replacementUrl ) ;
// function to clear highlighting on the page when the search query changes
// (e.g. if the user edits the query or clears it)
let highlighting = true ;
const resetHighlighting = ( searchTerm ) => {
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
if ( mainEl && highlighting && query && searchTerm !== query ) {
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
clearHighlight ( query , mainEl ) ;
highlighting = false ;
} ;
// Clear search highlighting when the user scrolls sufficiently
const resetFn = ( ) => {
resetHighlighting ( "" ) ;
window . removeEventListener ( "quarto-hrChanged" , resetFn ) ;
window . removeEventListener ( "quarto-sectionChanged" , resetFn ) ;
} ;
// Register this event after the initial scrolling and settling of events
// on the page
window . addEventListener ( "quarto-hrChanged" , resetFn ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "quarto-sectionChanged" , resetFn ) ;
// Responsively switch to overlay mode if the search is present on the navbar
// Note that switching the sidebar to overlay mode requires more coordinate (not just
// the media query since we generate different HTML for sidebar overlays than we do
// for sidebar input UI)
const detachedMediaQuery =
quartoSearchOptions . type === "overlay" ? "all" : "(max-width: 991px)" ;
// If configured, include the analytics client to send insights
const plugins = configurePlugins ( quartoSearchOptions ) ;
let lastState = null ;
const { setIsOpen , setQuery , setCollections } = autocomplete ( {
container : searchEl ,
detachedMediaQuery : detachedMediaQuery ,
defaultActiveItemId : 0 ,
panelContainer : "#quarto-search-results" ,
panelPlacement : quartoSearchOptions [ "panel-placement" ] ,
debug : false ,
openOnFocus : true ,
plugins ,
classNames : {
form : "d-flex" ,
} ,
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
placeholder : language [ "search-text-placeholder" ] ,
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
translations : {
clearButtonTitle : language [ "search-clear-button-title" ] ,
detachedCancelButtonText : language [ "search-detached-cancel-button-title" ] ,
submitButtonTitle : language [ "search-submit-button-title" ] ,
} ,
initialState : {
query ,
} ,
getItemUrl ( { item } ) {
return item . href ;
} ,
onStateChange ( { state } ) {
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
// If this is a file URL, note that
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
// Perhaps reset highlighting
resetHighlighting ( state . query ) ;
// If the panel just opened, ensure the panel is positioned properly
if ( state . isOpen ) {
if ( lastState && ! lastState . isOpen ) {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
positionPanel ( quartoSearchOptions [ "panel-placement" ] ) ;
} , 150 ) ;
// Perhaps show the copy link
showCopyLink ( state . query , quartoSearchOptions ) ;
lastState = state ;
} ,
reshape ( { sources , state } ) {
return sources . map ( ( source ) => {
try {
const items = source . getItems ( ) ;
// Validate the items
validateItems ( items ) ;
// group the items by document
const groupedItems = new Map ( ) ;
items . forEach ( ( item ) => {
const hrefParts = item . href . split ( "#" ) ;
const baseHref = hrefParts [ 0 ] ;
const isDocumentItem = hrefParts . length === 1 ;
const items = groupedItems . get ( baseHref ) ;
if ( ! items ) {
groupedItems . set ( baseHref , [ item ] ) ;
} else {
// If the href for this item matches the document
// exactly, place this item first as it is the item that represents
// the document itself
if ( isDocumentItem ) {
items . unshift ( item ) ;
} else {
items . push ( item ) ;
groupedItems . set ( baseHref , items ) ;
} ) ;
const reshapedItems = [ ] ;
let count = 1 ;
for ( const [ _key , value ] of groupedItems ) {
const firstItem = value [ 0 ] ;
reshapedItems . push ( {
... firstItem ,
type : kItemTypeDoc ,
} ) ;
const collapseMatches = quartoSearchOptions [ "collapse-after" ] ;
const collapseCount =
typeof collapseMatches === "number" ? collapseMatches : 1 ;
if ( value . length > 1 ) {
const target = ` search-more- ${ count } ` ;
const isExpanded =
state . context . expanded &&
state . context . expanded . includes ( target ) ;
const remainingCount = value . length - collapseCount ;
for ( let i = 1 ; i < value . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( collapseMatches && i === collapseCount ) {
reshapedItems . push ( {
target ,
title : isExpanded
? language [ "search-hide-matches-text" ]
: remainingCount === 1
? ` ${ remainingCount } ${ language [ "search-more-match-text" ] } `
: ` ${ remainingCount } ${ language [ "search-more-matches-text" ] } ` ,
type : kItemTypeMore ,
href : kItemTypeMoreHref ,
} ) ;
if ( isExpanded || ! collapseMatches || i < collapseCount ) {
reshapedItems . push ( {
... value [ i ] ,
type : kItemTypeItem ,
target ,
} ) ;
count += 1 ;
return {
... source ,
getItems ( ) {
return reshapedItems ;
} ,
} ;
} catch ( error ) {
// Some form of error occurred
return {
... source ,
getItems ( ) {
return [
title : error . name || "An Error Occurred While Searching" ,
text :
error . message ||
"An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform the requested search." ,
type : kItemTypeError ,
} ,
] ;
} ,
} ;
} ) ;
} ,
navigator : {
navigate ( { itemUrl } ) {
if ( itemUrl !== offsetURL ( kItemTypeMoreHref ) ) {
window . location . assign ( itemUrl ) ;
} ,
navigateNewTab ( { itemUrl } ) {
if ( itemUrl !== offsetURL ( kItemTypeMoreHref ) ) {
const windowReference = window . open ( itemUrl , "_blank" , "noopener" ) ;
if ( windowReference ) {
windowReference . focus ( ) ;
} ,
navigateNewWindow ( { itemUrl } ) {
if ( itemUrl !== offsetURL ( kItemTypeMoreHref ) ) {
window . open ( itemUrl , "_blank" , "noopener" ) ;
} ,
} ,
getSources ( { state , setContext , setActiveItemId , refresh } ) {
return [
sourceId : "documents" ,
getItemUrl ( { item } ) {
if ( item . href ) {
return offsetURL ( item . href ) ;
} else {
return undefined ;
} ,
onSelect ( {
item ,
state ,
setContext ,
setIsOpen ,
setActiveItemId ,
refresh ,
} ) {
if ( item . type === kItemTypeMore ) {
toggleExpanded ( item , state , setContext , setActiveItemId , refresh ) ;
// Toggle more
setIsOpen ( true ) ;
} ,
getItems ( { query } ) {
if ( query === null || query === "" ) {
return [ ] ;
const limit = quartoSearchOptions . limit ;
if ( quartoSearchOptions . algolia ) {
return algoliaSearch ( query , limit , quartoSearchOptions . algolia ) ;
} else {
// Fuse search options
const fuseSearchOptions = {
isCaseSensitive : false ,
shouldSort : true ,
minMatchCharLength : 2 ,
limit : limit ,
} ;
return readSearchData ( ) . then ( function ( fuse ) {
return fuseSearch ( query , fuse , fuseSearchOptions ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
templates : {
noResults ( { createElement } ) {
const hasQuery = lastState . query ;
return createElement (
"div" ,
class : ` quarto-search-no-results ${
hasQuery ? "" : " no-query"
} ` ,
} ,
language [ "search-no-results-text" ]
) ;
} ,
header ( { items , createElement } ) {
// count the documents
const count = items . filter ( ( item ) => {
return item . type === kItemTypeDoc ;
} ) . length ;
if ( count > 0 ) {
return createElement (
"div" ,
{ class : "search-result-header" } ,
` ${ count } ${ language [ "search-matching-documents-text" ] } `
) ;
} else {
return createElement (
"div" ,
{ class : "search-result-header-no-results" } ,
` `
) ;
} ,
footer ( { _items , createElement } ) {
if (
quartoSearchOptions . algolia &&
quartoSearchOptions . algolia [ "show-logo" ]
) {
const libDir = quartoSearchOptions . algolia [ "libDir" ] ;
const logo = createElement ( "img" , {
src : offsetURL (
` ${ libDir } /quarto-search/search-by-algolia.svg `
) ,
class : "algolia-search-logo" ,
} ) ;
return createElement (
"a" ,
{ href : "http://www.algolia.com/" } ,
) ;
} ,
item ( { item , createElement } ) {
return renderItem (
item ,
createElement ,
state ,
setActiveItemId ,
setContext ,
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
refresh ,
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
) ;
} ,
} ,
} ,
] ;
} ,
} ) ;
window . quartoOpenSearch = ( ) => {
setIsOpen ( false ) ;
setIsOpen ( true ) ;
focusSearchInput ( ) ;
} ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
document . addEventListener ( "keyup" , ( event ) => {
const { key } = event ;
const kbds = quartoSearchOptions [ "keyboard-shortcut" ] ;
const focusedEl = document . activeElement ;
const isFormElFocused = [
"input" ,
"select" ,
"textarea" ,
"button" ,
"option" ,
] . find ( ( tag ) => {
return focusedEl . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) === tag ;
} ) ;
if (
kbds &&
kbds . includes ( key ) &&
! isFormElFocused &&
! document . activeElement . isContentEditable
) {
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
window . quartoOpenSearch ( ) ;
} ) ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
// Remove the labeleledby attribute since it is pointing
// to a non-existent label
if ( quartoSearchOptions . type === "overlay" ) {
const inputEl = window . document . querySelector (
"#quarto-search .aa-Autocomplete"
) ;
if ( inputEl ) {
inputEl . removeAttribute ( "aria-labelledby" ) ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
function throttle ( func , wait ) {
let waiting = false ;
return function ( ) {
if ( ! waiting ) {
func . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
waiting = true ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
waiting = false ;
} , wait ) ;
} ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
// If the main document scrolls dismiss the search results
// (otherwise, since they're floating in the document they can scroll with the document)
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
window . document . body . onscroll = throttle ( ( ) => {
// Only do this if we're not detached
// Bug #7117
// This will happen when the keyboard is shown on ios (resulting in a scroll)
// which then closed the search UI
if ( ! window . matchMedia ( detachedMediaQuery ) . matches ) {
setIsOpen ( false ) ;
} , 50 ) ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
if ( showSearchResults ) {
setIsOpen ( true ) ;
focusSearchInput ( ) ;
} ) ;
function configurePlugins ( quartoSearchOptions ) {
const autocompletePlugins = [ ] ;
const algoliaOptions = quartoSearchOptions . algolia ;
if (
algoliaOptions &&
algoliaOptions [ "analytics-events" ] &&
algoliaOptions [ "search-only-api-key" ] &&
algoliaOptions [ "application-id" ]
) {
const apiKey = algoliaOptions [ "search-only-api-key" ] ;
const appId = algoliaOptions [ "application-id" ] ;
// Aloglia insights may not be loaded because they require cookie consent
// Use deferred loading so events will start being recorded when/if consent
// is granted.
const algoliaInsightsDeferredPlugin = deferredLoadPlugin ( ( ) => {
if (
window . aa &&
window [ "@algolia/autocomplete-plugin-algolia-insights" ]
) {
window . aa ( "init" , {
appId ,
apiKey ,
useCookie : true ,
} ) ;
const { createAlgoliaInsightsPlugin } =
window [ "@algolia/autocomplete-plugin-algolia-insights" ] ;
// Register the insights client
const algoliaInsightsPlugin = createAlgoliaInsightsPlugin ( {
insightsClient : window . aa ,
onItemsChange ( { insights , insightsEvents } ) {
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
const events = insightsEvents . flatMap ( ( event ) => {
// This API limits the number of items per event to 20
const chunkSize = 20 ;
const itemChunks = [ ] ;
const eventItems = event . items ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < eventItems . length ; i += chunkSize ) {
itemChunks . push ( eventItems . slice ( i , i + chunkSize ) ) ;
// Split the items into multiple events that can be sent
const events = itemChunks . map ( ( items ) => {
return {
... event ,
items ,
} ;
} ) ;
return events ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
} ) ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
for ( const event of events ) {
insights . viewedObjectIDs ( event ) ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
} ,
} ) ;
return algoliaInsightsPlugin ;
} ) ;
// Add the plugin
autocompletePlugins . push ( algoliaInsightsDeferredPlugin ) ;
return autocompletePlugins ;
// For plugins that may not load immediately, create a wrapper
// plugin and forward events and plugin data once the plugin
// is initialized. This is useful for cases like cookie consent
// which may prevent the analytics insights event plugin from initializing
// immediately.
function deferredLoadPlugin ( createPlugin ) {
let plugin = undefined ;
let subscribeObj = undefined ;
const wrappedPlugin = ( ) => {
if ( ! plugin && subscribeObj ) {
plugin = createPlugin ( ) ;
if ( plugin && plugin . subscribe ) {
plugin . subscribe ( subscribeObj ) ;
return plugin ;
} ;
return {
subscribe : ( obj ) => {
subscribeObj = obj ;
} ,
onStateChange : ( obj ) => {
const plugin = wrappedPlugin ( ) ;
if ( plugin && plugin . onStateChange ) {
plugin . onStateChange ( obj ) ;
} ,
onSubmit : ( obj ) => {
const plugin = wrappedPlugin ( ) ;
if ( plugin && plugin . onSubmit ) {
plugin . onSubmit ( obj ) ;
} ,
onReset : ( obj ) => {
const plugin = wrappedPlugin ( ) ;
if ( plugin && plugin . onReset ) {
plugin . onReset ( obj ) ;
} ,
getSources : ( obj ) => {
const plugin = wrappedPlugin ( ) ;
if ( plugin && plugin . getSources ) {
return plugin . getSources ( obj ) ;
} else {
return Promise . resolve ( [ ] ) ;
} ,
data : ( obj ) => {
const plugin = wrappedPlugin ( ) ;
if ( plugin && plugin . data ) {
plugin . data ( obj ) ;
} ,
} ;
function validateItems ( items ) {
// Validate the first item
if ( items . length > 0 ) {
const item = items [ 0 ] ;
const missingFields = [ ] ;
if ( item . href == undefined ) {
missingFields . push ( "href" ) ;
if ( ! item . title == undefined ) {
missingFields . push ( "title" ) ;
if ( ! item . text == undefined ) {
missingFields . push ( "text" ) ;
if ( missingFields . length === 1 ) {
throw {
name : ` Error: Search index is missing the <code> ${ missingFields [ 0 ] } </code> field. ` ,
message : ` The items being returned for this search do not include all the required fields. Please ensure that your index items include the <code> ${ missingFields [ 0 ] } </code> field or use <code>index-fields</code> in your <code>_quarto.yml</code> file to specify the field names. ` ,
} ;
} else if ( missingFields . length > 1 ) {
const missingFieldList = missingFields
. map ( ( field ) => {
return ` <code> ${ field } </code> ` ;
} )
. join ( ", " ) ;
throw {
name : ` Error: Search index is missing the following fields: ${ missingFieldList } . ` ,
message : ` The items being returned for this search do not include all the required fields. Please ensure that your index items includes the following fields: ${ missingFieldList } , or use <code>index-fields</code> in your <code>_quarto.yml</code> file to specify the field names. ` ,
} ;
let lastQuery = null ;
function showCopyLink ( query , options ) {
const language = options . language ;
lastQuery = query ;
// Insert share icon
const inputSuffixEl = window . document . body . querySelector (
".aa-Form .aa-InputWrapperSuffix"
) ;
if ( inputSuffixEl ) {
let copyButtonEl = window . document . body . querySelector (
".aa-Form .aa-InputWrapperSuffix .aa-CopyButton"
) ;
if ( copyButtonEl === null ) {
copyButtonEl = window . document . createElement ( "button" ) ;
copyButtonEl . setAttribute ( "class" , "aa-CopyButton" ) ;
copyButtonEl . setAttribute ( "type" , "button" ) ;
copyButtonEl . setAttribute ( "title" , language [ "search-copy-link-title" ] ) ;
copyButtonEl . onmousedown = ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ;
const linkIcon = "bi-clipboard" ;
const checkIcon = "bi-check2" ;
const shareIconEl = window . document . createElement ( "i" ) ;
shareIconEl . setAttribute ( "class" , ` bi ${ linkIcon } ` ) ;
copyButtonEl . appendChild ( shareIconEl ) ;
inputSuffixEl . prepend ( copyButtonEl ) ;
const clipboard = new window . ClipboardJS ( ".aa-CopyButton" , {
text : function ( _trigger ) {
const copyUrl = new URL ( window . location ) ;
copyUrl . searchParams . set ( kQueryArg , lastQuery ) ;
copyUrl . searchParams . set ( kResultsArg , "1" ) ;
return copyUrl . toString ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
clipboard . on ( "success" , function ( e ) {
// Focus the input
// button target
const button = e . trigger ;
const icon = button . querySelector ( "i.bi" ) ;
// flash "checked"
icon . classList . add ( checkIcon ) ;
icon . classList . remove ( linkIcon ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
icon . classList . remove ( checkIcon ) ;
icon . classList . add ( linkIcon ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
// If there is a query, show the link icon
if ( copyButtonEl ) {
if ( lastQuery && options [ "copy-button" ] ) {
copyButtonEl . style . display = "flex" ;
} else {
copyButtonEl . style . display = "none" ;
/* Search Index Handling */
// create the index
var fuseIndex = undefined ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
var shownWarning = false ;
// fuse index options
const kFuseIndexOptions = {
keys : [
{ name : "title" , weight : 20 } ,
{ name : "section" , weight : 20 } ,
{ name : "text" , weight : 10 } ,
] ,
ignoreLocation : true ,
threshold : 0.1 ,
} ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
async function readSearchData ( ) {
// Initialize the search index on demand
if ( fuseIndex === undefined ) {
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
if ( window . location . protocol === "file:" && ! shownWarning ) {
window . alert (
"Search requires JavaScript features disabled when running in file://... URLs. In order to use search, please run this document in a web server."
) ;
shownWarning = true ;
return ;
const fuse = new window . Fuse ( [ ] , kFuseIndexOptions ) ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
// fetch the main search.json
const response = await fetch ( offsetURL ( "search.json" ) ) ;
if ( response . status == 200 ) {
return response . json ( ) . then ( function ( searchDocs ) {
searchDocs . forEach ( function ( searchDoc ) {
fuse . add ( searchDoc ) ;
} ) ;
fuseIndex = fuse ;
return fuseIndex ;
} ) ;
} else {
return Promise . reject (
new Error (
"Unexpected status from search index request: " + response . status
) ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
return fuseIndex ;
function inputElement ( ) {
return window . document . body . querySelector ( ".aa-Form .aa-Input" ) ;
function focusSearchInput ( ) {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
const inputEl = inputElement ( ) ;
if ( inputEl ) {
inputEl . focus ( ) ;
} , 50 ) ;
/* Panels */
const kItemTypeDoc = "document" ;
const kItemTypeMore = "document-more" ;
const kItemTypeItem = "document-item" ;
const kItemTypeError = "error" ;
function renderItem (
item ,
createElement ,
state ,
setActiveItemId ,
setContext ,
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
refresh ,
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
) {
switch ( item . type ) {
case kItemTypeDoc :
return createDocumentCard (
createElement ,
"file-richtext" ,
item . title ,
item . section ,
item . text ,
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
item . href ,
item . crumbs ,
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
) ;
case kItemTypeMore :
return createMoreCard (
createElement ,
item ,
state ,
setActiveItemId ,
setContext ,
) ;
case kItemTypeItem :
return createSectionCard (
createElement ,
item . section ,
item . text ,
item . href
) ;
case kItemTypeError :
return createErrorCard ( createElement , item . title , item . text ) ;
default :
return undefined ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
function createDocumentCard (
createElement ,
icon ,
title ,
section ,
text ,
href ,
crumbs ,
) {
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
const iconEl = createElement ( "i" , {
class : ` bi bi- ${ icon } search-result-icon ` ,
} ) ;
const titleEl = createElement ( "p" , { class : "search-result-title" } , title ) ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
const titleContents = [ iconEl , titleEl ] ;
const showParent = quartoSearchOptions [ "show-item-context" ] ;
if ( crumbs && showParent ) {
let crumbsOut = undefined ;
const crumbClz = [ "search-result-crumbs" ] ;
if ( showParent === "root" ) {
crumbsOut = crumbs . length > 1 ? crumbs [ 0 ] : undefined ;
} else if ( showParent === "parent" ) {
crumbsOut = crumbs . length > 1 ? crumbs [ crumbs . length - 2 ] : undefined ;
} else {
crumbsOut = crumbs . length > 1 ? crumbs . join ( " > " ) : undefined ;
crumbClz . push ( "search-result-crumbs-wrap" ) ;
const crumbEl = createElement (
"p" ,
{ class : crumbClz . join ( " " ) } ,
) ;
titleContents . push ( crumbEl ) ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
const titleContainerEl = createElement (
"div" ,
{ class : "search-result-title-container" } ,
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
) ;
const textEls = [ ] ;
if ( section ) {
const sectionEl = createElement (
"p" ,
{ class : "search-result-section" } ,
) ;
textEls . push ( sectionEl ) ;
const descEl = createElement ( "p" , {
class : "search-result-text" ,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML : {
_ _html : text ,
} ,
} ) ;
textEls . push ( descEl ) ;
const textContainerEl = createElement (
"div" ,
{ class : "search-result-text-container" } ,
) ;
const containerEl = createElement (
"div" ,
class : "search-result-container" ,
} ,
[ titleContainerEl , textContainerEl ]
) ;
const linkEl = createElement (
"a" ,
href : offsetURL ( href ) ,
class : "search-result-link" ,
} ,
) ;
const classes = [ "search-result-doc" , "search-item" ] ;
if ( ! section ) {
classes . push ( "document-selectable" ) ;
return createElement (
"div" ,
class : classes . join ( " " ) ,
} ,
) ;
function createMoreCard (
createElement ,
item ,
state ,
setActiveItemId ,
setContext ,
) {
const moreCardEl = createElement (
"div" ,
class : "search-result-more search-item" ,
onClick : ( e ) => {
// Handle expanding the sections by adding the expanded
// section to the list of expanded sections
toggleExpanded ( item , state , setContext , setActiveItemId , refresh ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
item . title
) ;
return moreCardEl ;
function toggleExpanded ( item , state , setContext , setActiveItemId , refresh ) {
const expanded = state . context . expanded || [ ] ;
if ( expanded . includes ( item . target ) ) {
setContext ( {
expanded : expanded . filter ( ( target ) => target !== item . target ) ,
} ) ;
} else {
setContext ( { expanded : [ ... expanded , item . target ] } ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
setActiveItemId ( item . _ _autocomplete _id ) ;
function createSectionCard ( createElement , section , text , href ) {
const sectionEl = createSection ( createElement , section , text , href ) ;
return createElement (
"div" ,
class : "search-result-doc-section search-item" ,
} ,
) ;
function createSection ( createElement , title , text , href ) {
const descEl = createElement ( "p" , {
class : "search-result-text" ,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML : {
_ _html : text ,
} ,
} ) ;
const titleEl = createElement ( "p" , { class : "search-result-section" } , title ) ;
const linkEl = createElement (
"a" ,
href : offsetURL ( href ) ,
class : "search-result-link" ,
} ,
[ titleEl , descEl ]
) ;
return linkEl ;
function createErrorCard ( createElement , title , text ) {
const descEl = createElement ( "p" , {
class : "search-error-text" ,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML : {
_ _html : text ,
} ,
} ) ;
const titleEl = createElement ( "p" , {
class : "search-error-title" ,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML : {
_ _html : ` <i class="bi bi-exclamation-circle search-error-icon"></i> ${ title } ` ,
} ,
} ) ;
const errorEl = createElement ( "div" , { class : "search-error" } , [
titleEl ,
descEl ,
] ) ;
return errorEl ;
function positionPanel ( pos ) {
const panelEl = window . document . querySelector (
"#quarto-search-results .aa-Panel"
) ;
const inputEl = window . document . querySelector (
"#quarto-search .aa-Autocomplete"
) ;
if ( panelEl && inputEl ) {
panelEl . style . top = ` ${ Math . round ( panelEl . offsetTop ) } px ` ;
if ( pos === "start" ) {
panelEl . style . left = ` ${ Math . round ( inputEl . left ) } px ` ;
} else {
panelEl . style . right = ` ${ Math . round ( inputEl . offsetRight ) } px ` ;
/* Highlighting */
// highlighting functions
function highlightMatch ( query , text ) {
if ( text ) {
const start = text . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( query . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
if ( start !== - 1 ) {
const startMark = "<mark class='search-match'>" ;
const endMark = "</mark>" ;
const end = start + query . length ;
text =
text . slice ( 0 , start ) +
startMark +
text . slice ( start , end ) +
endMark +
text . slice ( end ) ;
const startInfo = clipStart ( text , start ) ;
const endInfo = clipEnd (
text ,
startInfo . position + startMark . length + endMark . length
) ;
text =
startInfo . prefix +
text . slice ( startInfo . position , endInfo . position ) +
endInfo . suffix ;
return text ;
} else {
return text ;
} else {
return text ;
function clipStart ( text , pos ) {
const clipStart = pos - 50 ;
if ( clipStart < 0 ) {
// This will just return the start of the string
return {
position : 0 ,
prefix : "" ,
} ;
} else {
// We're clipping before the start of the string, walk backwards to the first space.
const spacePos = findSpace ( text , pos , - 1 ) ;
return {
position : spacePos . position ,
prefix : "" ,
} ;
function clipEnd ( text , pos ) {
const clipEnd = pos + 200 ;
if ( clipEnd > text . length ) {
return {
position : text . length ,
suffix : "" ,
} ;
} else {
const spacePos = findSpace ( text , clipEnd , 1 ) ;
return {
position : spacePos . position ,
suffix : spacePos . clipped ? "…" : "" ,
} ;
function findSpace ( text , start , step ) {
let stepPos = start ;
while ( stepPos > - 1 && stepPos < text . length ) {
const char = text [ stepPos ] ;
if ( char === " " || char === "," || char === ":" ) {
return {
position : step === 1 ? stepPos : stepPos - step ,
clipped : stepPos > 1 && stepPos < text . length ,
} ;
stepPos = stepPos + step ;
return {
position : stepPos - step ,
clipped : false ,
} ;
// removes highlighting as implemented by the mark tag
function clearHighlight ( searchterm , el ) {
const childNodes = el . childNodes ;
for ( let i = childNodes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
const node = childNodes [ i ] ;
if ( node . nodeType === Node . ELEMENT _NODE ) {
if (
node . tagName === "MARK" &&
node . innerText . toLowerCase ( ) === searchterm . toLowerCase ( )
) {
el . replaceChild ( document . createTextNode ( node . innerText ) , node ) ;
} else {
clearHighlight ( searchterm , node ) ;
function escapeRegExp ( string ) {
return string . replace ( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g , "\\$&" ) ; // $& means the whole matched string
// highlight matches
function highlight ( term , el ) {
const termRegex = new RegExp ( term , "ig" ) ;
const childNodes = el . childNodes ;
// walk back to front avoid mutating elements in front of us
for ( let i = childNodes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
const node = childNodes [ i ] ;
if ( node . nodeType === Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
// Search text nodes for text to highlight
const text = node . nodeValue ;
let startIndex = 0 ;
let matchIndex = text . search ( termRegex ) ;
if ( matchIndex > - 1 ) {
const markFragment = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
while ( matchIndex > - 1 ) {
const prefix = text . slice ( startIndex , matchIndex ) ;
markFragment . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( prefix ) ) ;
const mark = document . createElement ( "mark" ) ;
mark . appendChild (
document . createTextNode (
text . slice ( matchIndex , matchIndex + term . length )
) ;
markFragment . appendChild ( mark ) ;
startIndex = matchIndex + term . length ;
matchIndex = text . slice ( startIndex ) . search ( new RegExp ( term , "ig" ) ) ;
if ( matchIndex > - 1 ) {
matchIndex = startIndex + matchIndex ;
if ( startIndex < text . length ) {
markFragment . appendChild (
document . createTextNode ( text . slice ( startIndex , text . length ) )
) ;
el . replaceChild ( markFragment , node ) ;
} else if ( node . nodeType === Node . ELEMENT _NODE ) {
// recurse through elements
highlight ( term , node ) ;
/* Link Handling */
// get the offset from this page for a given site root relative url
function offsetURL ( url ) {
var offset = getMeta ( "quarto:offset" ) ;
return offset ? offset + url : url ;
// read a meta tag value
function getMeta ( metaName ) {
var metas = window . document . getElementsByTagName ( "meta" ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < metas . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( metas [ i ] . getAttribute ( "name" ) === metaName ) {
return metas [ i ] . getAttribute ( "content" ) ;
return "" ;
function algoliaSearch ( query , limit , algoliaOptions ) {
const { getAlgoliaResults } = window [ "@algolia/autocomplete-preset-algolia" ] ;
const applicationId = algoliaOptions [ "application-id" ] ;
const searchOnlyApiKey = algoliaOptions [ "search-only-api-key" ] ;
const indexName = algoliaOptions [ "index-name" ] ;
const indexFields = algoliaOptions [ "index-fields" ] ;
const searchClient = window . algoliasearch ( applicationId , searchOnlyApiKey ) ;
const searchParams = algoliaOptions [ "params" ] ;
const searchAnalytics = ! ! algoliaOptions [ "analytics-events" ] ;
return getAlgoliaResults ( {
searchClient ,
queries : [
indexName : indexName ,
query ,
params : {
hitsPerPage : limit ,
clickAnalytics : searchAnalytics ,
... searchParams ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
transformResponse : ( response ) => {
if ( ! indexFields ) {
return response . hits . map ( ( hit ) => {
return hit . map ( ( item ) => {
return {
... item ,
text : highlightMatch ( query , item . text ) ,
} ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const remappedHits = response . hits . map ( ( hit ) => {
return hit . map ( ( item ) => {
const newItem = { ... item } ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
[ "href" , "section" , "title" , "text" , "crumbs" ] . forEach (
( keyName ) => {
const mappedName = indexFields [ keyName ] ;
if (
mappedName &&
item [ mappedName ] !== undefined &&
mappedName !== keyName
) {
newItem [ keyName ] = item [ mappedName ] ;
delete newItem [ mappedName ] ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
) ;
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
newItem . text = highlightMatch ( query , newItem . text ) ;
return newItem ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return remappedHits ;
} ,
} ) ;
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let subSearchTerm = undefined ;
let subSearchFuse = undefined ;
const kFuseMaxWait = 125 ;
async function fuseSearch ( query , fuse , fuseOptions ) {
let index = fuse ;
// Fuse.js using the Bitap algorithm for text matching which runs in
// O(nm) time (no matter the structure of the text). In our case this
// means that long search terms mixed with large index gets very slow
// This injects a subIndex that will be used once the terms get long enough
// Usually making this subindex is cheap since there will typically be
// a subset of results matching the existing query
if ( subSearchFuse !== undefined && query . startsWith ( subSearchTerm ) ) {
// Use the existing subSearchFuse
index = subSearchFuse ;
} else if ( subSearchFuse !== undefined ) {
// The term changed, discard the existing fuse
subSearchFuse = undefined ;
subSearchTerm = undefined ;
// Search using the active fuse
const then = performance . now ( ) ;
const resultsRaw = await index . search ( query , fuseOptions ) ;
const now = performance . now ( ) ;
const results = resultsRaw . map ( ( result ) => {
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
const addParam = ( url , name , value ) => {
const anchorParts = url . split ( "#" ) ;
const baseUrl = anchorParts [ 0 ] ;
const sep = baseUrl . search ( "\\?" ) > 0 ? "&" : "?" ;
anchorParts [ 0 ] = baseUrl + sep + name + "=" + value ;
return anchorParts . join ( "#" ) ;
} ;
return {
title : result . item . title ,
section : result . item . section ,
href : addParam ( result . item . href , kQueryArg , query ) ,
text : highlightMatch ( query , result . item . text ) ,
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
crumbs : result . item . crumbs ,
2023-10-11 09:41:10 -04:00
} ;
} ) ;
2024-06-08 08:28:40 -04:00
// If we don't have a subfuse and the query is long enough, go ahead
// and create a subfuse to use for subsequent queries
if ( now - then > kFuseMaxWait && subSearchFuse === undefined ) {
subSearchTerm = query ;
subSearchFuse = new window . Fuse ( [ ] , kFuseIndexOptions ) ;
resultsRaw . forEach ( ( rr ) => {
subSearchFuse . add ( rr . item ) ;
} ) ;
return results ;
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