update amtrak

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Belanger 2024-08-08 16:31:40 -04:00
parent d3ec1f19b4
commit 48f7069257

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@ -14,29 +14,7 @@ page = parsehtml(String(resp.body))
s = sel"tr"
rows = eachmatch(s, page.root)
# this appears to work. Probably not the best way to do it but it works
orgin_date = []
station = []
sch_dp = []
act_dp = []
comments = []
service_disrupt = []
cancellations = []
for i in rows
text = eachmatch(Selector("td"), i)
if !isempty(text) && length(text) > 1
push!(orgin_date, nodeText(text[1]))
push!(station, nodeText(text[2]))
push!(sch_dp, nodeText(text[3]))
push!(act_dp, nodeText(text[4]))
push!(comments, nodeText(text[5]))
push!(service_disrupt, nodeText(text[6]))
push!(cancellations, nodeText(text[7]))
# create empty DataFrame and then populate it with the table from website
df = DataFrame(orgin_date = [], station = [], sch_dp = [], act_dp = String[], comments = [], s_disrupt = [], cancellations = [])
for i in rows
@ -54,9 +32,10 @@ end
mod_df = @chain df begin
@rsubset :act_dp != ""
@rtransform dep = Dates.Time(:act_dp, "HH:MMp")
@rtransform _ begin
:act_dp = Time(:act_dp, dateformat"HH:MMp")
:orgin_date = Date(replace(:orgin_date, r" \(.*\)" => ""), dateformat"mm/dd/YYYY")
:sch_dp = DateTime(replace(:sch_dp, r" \(.*\)" => ""), dateformat"mm/dd/YYYY HH:MM p")