# Regex to locate links in text find_link <- regex(" \\[ # Grab opening square bracket .+? # Find smallest internal text as possible \\] # Closing square bracket \\( # Opening parenthesis .+? # Link text, again as small as possible \\) # Closing parenthesis ", comments = TRUE) # Function that removes links from text and replaces them with superscripts that are # referenced in an end-of-document list. sanitize_links <- function(text){ if(PDF_EXPORT){ str_extract_all(text, find_link) %>% pluck(1) %>% walk(function(link_from_text){ title <- link_from_text %>% str_extract('\\[.+\\]') %>% str_remove_all('\\[|\\]') link <- link_from_text %>% str_extract('\\(.+\\)') %>% str_remove_all('\\(|\\)') # add link to links array links <<- c(links, link) # Build replacement text new_text <- glue('{title}{length(links)}') # Replace text text <<- text %>% str_replace(fixed(link_from_text), new_text) }) } text } # Take entire positions dataframe and removes the links # in descending order so links for the same position are # right next to eachother in number. strip_links_from_cols <- function(data, cols_to_strip){ for(i in 1:nrow(data)){ for(col in cols_to_strip){ data[i, col] <- sanitize_links(data[i, col]) } } data } # Take a position dataframe and the section id desired # and prints the section to markdown. print_section <- function(position_data, section_id){ position_data %>% filter(section == section_id) %>% arrange(desc(end), !is.na(start)) %>% mutate(id = 1:n()) %>% pivot_longer( starts_with('description'), names_to = 'description_num', values_to = 'description' ) %>% filter(!is.na(description) | description_num == 'description_1') %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate( descriptions = list(description), no_descriptions = is.na(first(description)) ) %>% ungroup() %>% filter(description_num == 'description_1') %>% mutate( timeline = ifelse( is.na(start) | start == end, end, glue('{end} - {start}') ), description_bullets = ifelse( no_descriptions, ' ', map_chr(descriptions, ~paste('-', ., collapse = '\n')) ) ) %>% strip_links_from_cols(c('title', 'description_bullets')) %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(is.na(.), 'N/A', .)) %>% glue_data( "### {title}", "\n\n", "{institution}", "\n\n", "{loc}", "\n\n", "{timeline}", "\n\n", "{description_bullets}", "\n\n\n", ) } # Construct a bar chart of skills build_skill_bars <- function(skills, out_of = 5){ bar_color <- "#969696" bar_background <- "#2C446F" skills %>% mutate(width_percent = round(100*level/out_of)) %>% glue_data( "
", "{skill}", "
" ) } # Prints out from text_blocks spreadsheet blocks of text for the intro and asides. print_text_block <- function(text_blocks, label){ filter(text_blocks, loc == label)$text %>% sanitize_links() %>% cat() }