--- name: William Kyle surname: Belanger position: "Field Application Specialist" address: "435 Gibson Dairy Road, Elizabethtown NC 28337" phone: 843-455-5122 www: kyleb.rbind.io email: "william.belanger@knights.ucf.edu" github: mmmmtoasty19 date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %Y')`" output: vitae::moderncv: theme: classic --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) library(vitae) library(tidyverse) library(here) library(lubridate) library(tibble) ``` ```{r jobs, include=FALSE} jobs.raw <- read.csv(here::here("data", "jobs.csv"),na.strings = "") jobs <- jobs.raw %>% fill(start,end,what,with,where,why) %>% mutate( start = mdy(start) ,end = mdy(end) ) %>% mutate( when = case_when( is.na(end) ~ glue::glue("{year(start)}--Present") %>% as.character(), year(start) == year(end) ~ year(end) %>% as.character(), TRUE ~ glue::glue("{year(start)}--{year(end)}") %>% as.character() )) jobs %>% glimpse() ``` # About Me I am a highly skilled Medical Technologist, with a passion for Data Science and Visualization. I bring with me 11 years of experience in the medical world, and understand what is needed for proper data analysis. I have manged employees in the past, and worked on both large and small project teams. I am focused on bridging the gap between medical personnel and information technologists. # Technical Skills - Data Analysis - Data Visualization - Intermediate level in R - Basic Understanding of Python and SQL - Highly skilled in Microsoft Office # Education ```{r} readr::read_csv("../data/education.csv") %>% brief_entries(Degree, Year, Institution) ``` # Jobs ```{r} detailed_entries(jobs ,what = what ,when = when ,with = with ,where = where ,why = why) ``` # Professional Licenses ```{r} tribble( ~ Institution,~ Year, ~ With ,"ASCP", "2010 - Present", "Medical Laboratory Scientist" ) %>% brief_entries(Institution,Year,With) ``` # References Available on request