rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) # Clear the memory of variables from previous run. cat("\014") # Clear the console # load packages ----------------------------------------------------------- box::use( magrittr[`%>%`] ,here[here] ,dplyr ,readr ,tidyr ,ggplot2 ) # load data --------------------------------------------------------------- ds_high_tsh <- readr$read_rds( here("ML","data-unshared","ds_high_tsh.RDS") ) # data manipulation ------------------------------------------------------- #here I am adding a column to determine if the Free T4 Value is diagnostic or not # using the FT4 Referance range low as the cut off (0.93) ds_high_tsh <- ds_high_tsh %>% dplyr$mutate(ft4_dia = dplyr$if_else(`50995` < 0.93, 1, 0)) # basic visualization ----------------------------------------------------- g1 <- ds_high_tsh %>% dplyr$select(-subject_id, - charttime) %>% dplyr$mutate(dplyr$across(gender, ~dplyr$recode(.,M = 1, F = 2))) %>% tidyr$pivot_longer(cols = dplyr$everything()) %>%